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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Agroalimentare e italian sounding (100%)

    7-gen-2015 19.27.45

    Agroalimentare e italian sounding articolo, qualità, italian sounding download PIETRO COLUMBA

  • 2. Italian-Lebanese Science Day (99%)

    4-mar-2019 13.56.23

    Italian-Lebanese Science Day Italian-Lebanese Science Day, American University of Beirut, unipa, bind Si pubblica la locandina ed il progamma del primo Italian-Lebanese Science Day, che si terrà il 12 aprile 2019 presso la American University of Beirut. - Locandina e Programma DARIO LA SALA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 3. Invito al primo "Italian-Lebanese Science Day" (97%)

    5-dic-2018 10.20.01

    Invito al primo "Italian-Lebanese Science Day" Italian-Lebanese Science Day, invito, bionec, Angelo Leone, Il prof. Angelo Leone promuove l'avvio dell'evento "Italian-Lebanese Science Day" che si svolgerà a Beirut il 12 aprile 2019. Scarica l'Invito all'evento DARIO LA SALA /sites/portale/_categories/notizia/primo_piano/

  • 4. Italian Master Startup Award (90%)

    11-mag-2017 16.29.06

    Italian Master Startup Award articolo, notizia, unipa, italian, master, startup, award, diid Il 19 Maggio 2017 presso il Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri si terrà l'Italian Master Startup Award, premio dedicato alle giovani imprese hi-tech nate dalla ricerca accademica. Quest’anno sono 12 i progetti in gara che si contenderanno il 19 maggio a Palermo l’11° edizione del premio dedicato alle giovani imprese hi-tech nate dalla ricerca accademica: l’Italian Master Startup Award, promosso da PNICube

  • 5. XXII Italian Sarcoma Group Programma definitivo (89%)

    6-apr-2018 10.03.55

    PROGRAMMA XXII RIUNIONEANNUALE DEFINIT IVO ITALIAN SARCOMA GROUP Palermo, 12-13-14 aprile 2018 XXII RIUNIONEANNUALE ITALIAN SARCOMA GROUP Palermo, 12-13-14 aprile 2018 La XXII Riunione Annuale dell’Italian Sarcoma Group per la prima volta si terrà in Sicilia. Questo è motivo di grande orgoglio ... sul registro ECM delle presenze 18:00 Assemblea dei Soci Italian Sarcoma Group Cena Sociale ore 20:30 ... Cod. adaVII_10 - Stampato Marzo 2018 XXII Italian Sarcoma Group Programma

  • 6. Italian-Lebanese Science Day 2019 (88%)

    5-apr-2019 9.14.32

    Italian-Lebanese Science Day 2019 Italian-Lebanese Science Day, American University of Beirut, unipa, bind Il 12 aprile 2019 si terrà la prima edizione dell’Italian-Lebanese Science Day, evento nato dall'accordo di cooperazione internazionale tra l’Università degli Studi di Palermo e l’American University of Beirut in Libano. L'incontro, che si svolgerà a Beirut nell’ambito del 25° congresso ... da Angelo Leone, docente di Istologia ed Embriologia del Dipartimento di Biomedicina, Neuroscienze

  • 7. Aprile 2020. Il Prof. Antonino Bianco inserito nell'elenco dei Top Italian Scientists (TIS) (86%)

    3-apr-2020 12.33.24

    Aprile 2020. Il Prof. Antonino Bianco inserito nell'elenco dei Top Italian Scientists (TIS) Top Italian Scientists, Unipa, Scienze Motorie, Antonino Bianco, Buone notizie per le Scienze Motorie Palermitane e per il Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche, dell’Esercizio Fisico ... delle "Top Italian Women Scientists", le candidate sono state prese da questa lista. ANTONINO BIANCO Buone notizie per le Scienze Motorie Palermitane e per il Dipartimento di Scienze

  • 8. LIpid transPort disorders Italian GEnetic Network - LIPIGEN (85%)

    1-mar-2023 9.20.19

    LIpid transPort disorders Italian GEnetic Network - LIPIGEN articolo, notizia, unipa, LIpid transPort disorders Italian GEnetic Network, LIPIGEN, Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Aterosclerosi, SISA, promise, malattie rare, Aterosclerosi, dislipidemie La SISA (Società Italiana per lo Studio dell’Aterosclerosi), attraverso la sua Fondazione, ha proposto la creazione di un Network ... italian Genetic Network). La creazione di tale network rappresenta l’opportunità per il nostro Paese

  • 9. LAAS25 (83%)

    4-mar-2019 13.46.59

    First Italian-Lebanese Science Day “Global Science” Organized by The Lebanese ... , Lebanon 1 First Italian Lebanese Science Day American University of Beirut April 12th ... Italian-Lebanese Science Day”. The Meeting is a forum for researchers to meet and exchange knowledge and ... researchers from different backgrounds is the fundamental reason of the “First Italian-Lebanese ... Committee for the First Italian- Lebanese Science Day - Dr Angelo Leone (UOP) - Dr Assaad Eid (AUB


    25-lug-2018 12.53.30

    Hotel Piazza Borsa Via dei Cartari 18 – 90133 Palermo XXII RIUNIONE ANNUALE ITALIAN SARCOMA GROUP XXII RIUNIONE ANNUALE ITALIAN SARCOMA GROUP, Giuseppe Badalamenti, Antonio Russo, Piero Picci, Rete Tumori Rari, IMMUNOTERAPIA, BARRIERE ANATOMICHE, DIAGNOSI MORFOLOGICA, SARCOMI DEI TESSUTI MOLLI, GIST, DIAGNOSTICA MOLECOLARE, denosumab, database (inter)nazionale ISG-AIEOP, radioterapia ... , new_dottorato, terza missione, terza_missione, ECM XXII RIUNIONE ANNUALE ITALIAN SARCOMA GROUP Palermo, 12

  • 11. Italian - Lebanese Science Day (78%)

    5-apr-2019 9.11.43

    Italian - Lebanese Science Day (print) Dario La Sala PDFCreator PDFCreator

  • 12. Offerta Formativa (77%)

    4-feb-2021 17.31.54

    : how the seismic protection of structures has modified Prof. Liborio Cavaleri 6-8 1 English/Italian ... /Italian Nov/Dec 003 Applicazioni Geomatiche attraverso software di gestione open source Dr. Gino Dardanelli 18-24 3 Italian Jun 004 Corso breve su Elementi di Matlab per l’ingegneria Dr. Alberto Di Matteo 12-16 2 Italian May (from year 2022) 005 The transition from linear to circular economy. A new ... /Italian Sept-Nov 006 Il calcolo differenziale stocastico Prof. Mario Di Paola 6-8 1 Italian Mar/Apr 007

  • 13. Incoming Students SAAF (73%)

    23-mar-2023 11.30.00

    for the B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels, will be held in Italian and, under request, the teaching materials ... ) Subject title (in Italian) Machines and plants for environmental protection Macchine ed impianti per la protezione ambientale Subject title (in English) Subject title (in Italian) Food systems (module ... 2 Subject title (in English) Subject title (in Italian) Sustainable business models in the agri-food ... ) Subject title (in Italian) Applied entomology Entomologia applicata Code 21171 Code 03014 Credits 3

  • 14. Mobilità internazionale (73%)

    6-mar-2024 13.16.36

    LOMBARDO Presentazioni Sedi Erasmus+ del Dipartimento SAAF saaf, agraria, didattica, mobilità ... for the B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels, will be held in Italian and, under request, the teaching materials ... ) Subject title (in Italian) Machines and plants for environmental protection Macchine ed impianti per la protezione ambientale Subject title (in English) Subject title (in Italian) Food systems (module ... 2 Subject title (in English) Subject title (in Italian) Sustainable business models in the agri-food

  • 15. The 4th edition of the Master in Didactics of Italian as a Second and Foreign Language offered by the Department of Philological and Linguistic Studies of the University of Palermo is about to begin. (72%)

    8-mar-2013 23.06.34

    The 4th edition of the Master in Didactics of Italian as a Second and Foreign Language offered ... . unipa, portale, universita The 4th edition of the Master in Didactics of Italian as a Second and ... dimensions of Italian as a foreign language: as a second language (L2: for people who learn Italian while living in Italy) and as a foreign language (LS: for people who learn Italian while living in other countries). Students will be able to teach Italian as L2 to migrants living in Italy, and Italian

  • 16. PhDs' students and Phds (69%)

    27-lug-2023 15.27.25

    del Dipartimento della Lekie in Camerun. D/SEAS Working Paper (in press). Cinzia Pinello Italian Business ... Selected Publications XXXIV Chiara Di Maria Italian Statistics Statistical methods, Biostatistics Vincenzo Giuseppe Genova Italian Statistics Biostatistics, Social Statistics XXXIII Giorgio Bertolazzi Italian Mathematical and Quantitative Methods Big data analytics, Network analysis Bertolazzi, G ... Salvatore Constantino Italian Statistics Tourism Data Analysis, Spatial Economic Data Analysis Costantino

  • 17. Dottorandi e Dottori di ricerca (69%)

    27-lug-2023 15.25.54

    interest XXXVII Benedetta Valeria Cannizzaro Italian Economics Business Administration, Business Analytics, Innovation Rita Fici Italian Statistics Multivariate bayesian statistics, Computational ... La Mantia Italian Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences Statistical assessment of energy poverty; Construction of composite indicators Ugo Lombardo Italian Applied Economics Regional Economics, Tourism Data Analysis Antonio Pietro Maria Morreale Italian Mathematical and quantitative methods Big Data

  • 18. Offerta Formativa anno 2022 (69%)

    21-nov-2022 11.57.01

    to the Third Cycle courses Guidelines. Guidelines for Lecturers are available here (Italian language ... /Italian Oct 002 The evolution of design and structural calculation methods in relation to the evolution ... /Italian Nov/Dec 003 Applicazioni Geomatiche attraverso software di gestione open source Dr. Gino Dardanelli 18-24 3 Italian Sept 004 Corso breve su Elementi di Matlab per l’ingegneria Dr. Alberto Di Matteo 12-16 2 Italian May 005 The transition from linear to circular economy. A new approach to manage

  • 19. Offerta Formativa anno 2021 (68%)

    30-dic-2021 16.43.42

    to the Third Cycle courses Guidelines. Guidelines for Lecturers are available here (Italian language ... protection of structures has modified Prof. Liborio Cavaleri 6-8 1 English/Italian Oct 002 The evolution ... : from conceptual design to FEM analysis Prof. Piero Colajanni 6-8 1 English/Italian Nov/Dec 003 Applicazioni Geomatiche attraverso software di gestione open source Dr. Gino Dardanelli 18-24 3 Italian Sept ... Italian May (from year 2022) 005 The transition from linear to circular economy. A new approach

  • 20. Interview - Italian Deputy (66%)

    10-feb-2021 17.08.13

    for the EnerNETMob Project, UNIPA Partner, with the Italian Deputy Minister of Infrastructures and Transport, the Honourable Giovanni Carlo Cancelleri The Italian National Infrastructure Plan for Charging ... that exemplary models like this are the ones that must be followed. The Italian infrastructure already ... the Italian government intend to intervene? EN - We need to change the PNire by increasing funding ... . What measures were introduced in the 2021 Italian Budget Law approved by the Council of Ministers in October